TV Girl: Grapes Upon the Vine

pabst theater - Milwaukee, WI - October 20th, 2023

Written by: Kate bucklin | November 7th, 2023

​If you’re on TikTok, like nearly everybody else on this campus, there’s almost a 100% chance you’ve heard a song by indie rock band “TV Girl”. Well, TV Girl was kind enough to grace Prowl territory on Friday night with a stop on their “Grapes Upon the Vine” album tour. The band took the stage for a sold-out show at the Pabst Theatre, a show which I was lucky enough to score tickets for.

Out of the numerous shows I have attended, TV Girl may take the crown for being the best yet. The performance featured many of their hit songs such as “Not Allowed” and “Lovers Rock”, along with a few songs from their newer album “Grapes Upon the Vine” (which is arguably NOT a flop), and it seemed as though nearly every member of the audience was singing and dancing along.

The band also had amazing production, as they employed dazzling lighting color schemes tailored to their songs, with one example being the red, orange, and yellow lights accompanying their song “Fire” and the flickering rainbow visuals with the show’s closer, “Taking What’s Not Yours”.

In addition to the performance itself, I found the crowd culture much better than other shows I’ve attended. I arrived late enough to get placed in the upper balcony of the theater, however, from what I saw in the pit and with the people around me, everyone respected each other’s space, which I feel like most concerts nowadays lack. I also noticed that the crowd was completely supportive of the opening act, Monster Rally, in a way I have never seen before, as fans cheered in support and danced in a way you’d expect them to for the main act.

On a separate note, I am fully aware of the rumor that TV Girl concerts smell absolutely horrendous, however, I am very pleased to say that this was not my experience!

What really made the show as whimsical as it was could be attributed to the band’s frontman Brad Petering. Petering seemed to take full advantage of the fact that his songs have gone viral, as he even told their audience to get ready to record “Lovers Rock” during the encore performance, only to play straight-up gospel music. He also acknowledged that the band’s newest album was flopping with a bit where he described himself as having been told by a sickly kid named Jimmy that everyone in the audience needed to buy a copy of their album, only to lead into a cover of Martha Reeves and the Vandella’s “Jimmy Mack”. I think that my favorite by far had to have been him claiming that the entire concert was a Mountain Dew Code Red advertisement to make up for the losses caused by the flop era that is “Grapes Upon the Vine”.

​Overall, Petering’s stage presence was such a key role to what made the show so successful, and I feel very lucky to have experienced a frontman interacting with his fans in the way he did. With all being said, TV Girl was such a fun little show with its silly little quirks and hypnotic tunes, and I cannot recommend highly enough taking the time to check them out.


I’ll Be Faithful
Hate Yourself
Cigarettes Out the Window
Birds Don’t Sing
Daughter of a Cop
Not Allowed
The Night Time
Blue Hair
The Blonde
Loving Machine
Jimmy Mack (Martha Reeves and the Vandellas cover)
Taking What’s Not Yours
Heaven Is a Bedroom

Big Black Void
Lovers Rock
It Evaporates